Beg2Dance provides each student with the opportunity to gain the potential of having a professional dance career; whether they chose to be an artist, performer, dancer, choreographer, and/or a CEO. Head shots, make-up tutorials, biographies, dance reels, and much more are included.

Why choose B2D?
Beg2Dance challenges our youth physically while developing mental stimulation as they are preparing to enter the professional world. B2D grants students the necessary tools to work professionally while having fun at the same time.
Our programs include, but are not limited to:
Classroom/dance etiquette
Fundamentals of dance
Stretching and warm-ups
Fitness/Healthy eating
Performance preparation (hair, costumes, applying cosmetics)
Audition “Dos and Don’ts”
Building a dance resume
Dance research
Dress rehearsals
Using props creatively and more.
Stage language (awareness and performance)
Dance technique
Choreography (learning and teaching)
Dance safety and drills
Audition and camera etiquette

Course Description
This course is an introduction to the art of dance. Dance is defined within the context of multi-cultural exercises, workshops, group choreography, project-based learning and more. Students will learn various dance genres including ''blending'' different genres to create new dance forms. This course demands a high level of effort and commitment, as we learn to embrace and enjoy the art of creative dance expression.
To empower, motivate and educate our youth to express emotions through dance and fitness.
BEG2DANCE is more than a dance opportunity to learn new dance routines. Our program offers enrichment of the body and soul that supercedes the fundamentals of the art of dance. Through B2D, Our youth will acquire the necessary skills to be bold, confident and creative. It is our vision that upon completion of Beg2Dance, our youth will be highly skilled in critical thinking and teamwork. In addition to being skilled dance professionals, B2D focuses holistically on the individual, thus being the reason why such a program is unique.
Our staff works around the clock to cater to the needs of our clients. We also are available for performances, workshops, special events, and more. Ask about our video and theme packages, no event is too big or small.
Here are a few folks we’ve worked with so far

The Goal
Dancers will advance their levels of skills in technique and theatre along with time management, space, and rhythm in relation to physical movement on stage. BEG2DANCE provides each student with the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience, which allows them the freedom to express their emotions through dance and movement. Genres will range from Hip-Hop, Modern, Jazz, lyrical etc.